How To Easily Delete Old Expired Transients In WordPress ?

Now you can easily delete old & expired transients from your WordPress site’s options table (wp_options), and prevent them bloating your database and slowing down your website.

WordPress Transients means stored cached data which is kept in database temporarily with a custom name and a timeframe after which will expire and be deleted.

But as said on Delete Expired Transients page that in practice old transients only gets deleted when requested again after they get expired, this way many transients stay in the database long after they’ve expired. After a while, there can be thousands or even millions of expired transients needlessly taking up space in your options table.

So by using this new WordPress plugin called Delete Expired Transients you can very quickly and easily delete old expired transients from WordPress wp_options table.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate Delete Expired Transients plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Tools -> Delete Expired Transients page and select what transients you would like to delete (expired transients or all transients) and finally click the ‘Delete’ button.

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