How To Add Social Sharing Buttons With Pull Quotes In WordPress ?

PullQuotes are the quotations bloggers use to highlight the memorable part of their blog posts. This article explains how you can add social sharing buttons with your website’s pullquotes so that your readers can share them easily on popular social networks.


Installation & Usage: Simply install and activate RealTidbits PushQuote then follow the given steps:

  1. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New.
  2. Write your post then select the lines you want to turn into a PullQuote
  3. From the visual editor click the PullQuote button.

OR, you can also the PullQuote by enclosing your quote lines between the shortcodes [pullquote] & [/pullquote]

For Example: [pullquote]Your Text Here[/pullquote]

By default PullQuotes are displayed on the left but if you like you can display them to right by using ‘right parameter as shown below:

[pullquote position=”right”]Your Text Here[/pullquote]

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