How To Add Facebook Style Specific Niche Questions And Voting Features In WordPress ?

You might have observed the new Facebook features that allows you to ask questions and set the voting options so that your friends and followers can vote for. This tutorial explains you how you can easily ask questions and enable voting inside your blog posts, pages etc. For example if you want to take a survey asking your readers what category articles they like most reading in your weblog, you can simply ask them a question for this like “What is your favorite category in this blog?” and set answers like WordPress, BuddyPress, Social Media, News etc. This way your readers can select their answers using simple radio buttons and vote by clicking the button. The plugin also allows you to display results and a thankyou message after they vote.

First install and activate the new WordPress plugin fVote. After activation you can start using its simple shortcode with custom parameter inside your post content as shown in the following example.


Questions and Votes are based on shortcodes: [fVote question=”Do you like?” subject=”rats,cats,squirrels” remarks=”much,little,not” button=”vote for your pet!” thanks=”Thank you”]

and for showing the results as percent, you can add the following shortcode right after the above one: [fVote_results question=”Do you like?” total_votes=”total votes”]

You can make above shortcode yours by editing the question Do you like and its answers like rats, cats etc. In the same way edit the results shortcode with your parameters.

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