How To Add Facebook Recommendations Bar In WordPress ?

WP Facebook Recommendations Bar is an easy to use plugin that lets you add the Facebook Recommendations Bar in your WordPress based site.

What is Facebook Recommendations Bar ?

Facebook recommendations bar simply allows your readers to like content, get recommendations and share what they’re reading.

Facebook Recommendations Bar pops up in the bottom right (or left) side of the webpage and show up related articles as well as a like button for the current webpage. Facebook Recommendations Bar is a popular way of promoting your posts on Facebook for driving more traffic towards your web address.

This tutorial is on a free WordPress plugin you can use for displaying Facebook Recommendation Bar in your WordPress site.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate WP Facebook Recommendations Bar plugin then follow the given steps:

  1. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Facebook Recommendations admin page.
  2. Enter a Facebook App ID, If you don’t have any app then you can easily Create New Facebook App from here.
  3. Choose other display settings options and click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

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