How To Add External Media Files In WordPress Library Via oEmbed ?

oEmbed is now a popular feature among bloggers. It allows you to embed any media file like videos and images simply by pasting their URLs inside post content.

WordPress already provides you oEmbed functionality and there are many plugins that lets you use this feature in different styles.

This tutorial is on a simple plugin that extends oEmbed feature in WordPress and allows you to add external media files in your WordPress media library simply by pasting their URLs.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate OEmbed in Library plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Media -> oEmbed admin page and use the given URL field for adding an external media in your library.

Adding a YouTube video:

Detail of a YouTube video added in the library:

Adding media from SoundCloud:

All attached media appears in media library, you can view their attachment pages and you can use them in your website content just like other uploaded media files

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