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How AutoSSL Secures All Websites On Your Server At

AutoSSL is a free feature of VPS and Dedicated Servers you subscribe from, it can be used as a free alternative to paid SSL certificates. Configuring AutoSSL, you can automatically secure your websites using a Domain Validated (DV) SSL.

Apart from the users of VPS and Dedicated Servers, the Business Hosting users also get the advantage of AutoSSL. The domain names associated with your VPS or Dedicated Server account automatically get an SSL certificate by AutoSSL unless you have purchased and installed another one. In that case, AutoSSL won’t override the existing certificates but still works for other domains on your server.

After the SSL certificate is installed, the auto-application installer of your server (that allows you to install WordPress and other apps) also lets you choose an HTTPS connection for your website. If you have made or uploaded a website manually then you can manually redirect it to a secure HTTPS connection.

This is done by making a few modifications to your .htaccess file which can be created (if not already present) in the root i.e. public_html directory of the domain you want to secure

If you just created the .htaccess file, use the following code (replacing the with your own domain name) to set up the redirect to the HTTPS version of your website:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

At the time you change the primary domain or add another domain to your server, the AutoSSL immediately attempts the installation of an SSL certificate. But for the SSL to install and work successfully, your domain name must point to the server’s IP address.

If you see that the SSL is not working for any domain name or you want to manually activate or deactivate the SSL on some domain, you can do that manually from the SSL/TLS Status page in the cPanel administration area of your server.

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