Hide WordPress Admin Area From Specified User Roles And Allow Them Edit Their Settings From Frontend

There are already many WordPress plugins available that allows you hide admin area section from your websitesubscribers but this tutorial is about a different plugin that lets you hide admin area from the roles specified by you, another useful functionality of this plugin is that you can allows your subscribers to edit their settings direct from the frontend of your WordPress site.

Front-End Users is a free WordPress plugin that lets you prevent selected user roles from accessing WordPress admin area, it sets-up a profile editing page on the frontend of your WordPress based website. The plugin is different from other dashboard hiding plugins because it completely hides the dashboard and doesn’t even shows the profile editing page when a user tries to access admin area.

Screenshot showing default profile settings page that’s displayed on the front-end to users. This can easily be modified or re-styled if any changes are desired:

Install and activate Front-End Users. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard ->Settings -> Front-End Users page and check the roles to have admin access as shown in the given screenshot. Also you can set the base for profile landing page on the frontend, well this would be making your users to edit their settings from frontend.

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