It Is Coming But What Is It ?

Hong Kong is a place with complete connectivity. It is completely connected internally as well as with outside world. This takes it beyond comparison with Egypt or India, which were still incomplete in this sense of advantage that is making something unprecedented to come soon. Everybody is seeing it coming here but what is it ? Still nobody knows.

Demanding democracy has been quite dangerous in China. Not only for the people of China but to the Government of China also. Even then the writing on wall in today’s Hong Kong proudly proclaims that when dictatorship is a fact, revolution is a duty.

Again the demand has been made although most politely but emphasized very orderly all over the Hong Kong. The world is witnessing its most orderly demonstration by now. Quarter a century after the Tiananmen Square again they are students, again who want democracy knowing that no authority can kill them all and this time their complete cohesion in connectivity with whole world makes it entirely different from the past.

Could this be one thing that ultimately we save them by completing the global connectivity of humanity?

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