Why It Is Important To Register YourName.com Domain Today?

Registering your own domain name –

  • Secures your name, your identity on Internet
  • Lets you use your own personalized email address
  • Lends a professional touch to your business, your work

A domain name, webspace and a website are three different things.  The website is all content or service, webspace is hosting space on server where all your website i.e. your content such as articles, pages, images, code, scripts are kept and a domain name is your own address on world wide web – say, “YourName.com” taking netizens to your website.

It is (domain name) the first important thing you should go for, everything else (i.e. hosting, website designing) is secondary. Afterwards you may either direct your domain name to any URL or social profile or start your own website and your own personalised email @ yourname.com. These are the things which you get free of cost with any domain purchased from SANGKRIT.net.

Make Your Name Completely Yours

If you are planning to write about anything, starting a blog and sharing things you want others to know about you, planning to publish a book, making your online portfolio, showcasing your resume or you’re engaged in any activity such as sales, self-employed, want to make your online presence useful in your business or whatever.

The first thing you should do online is secure your domain name, YourName.com and do this thing not only for yourself but for each member of your family, especially for your children.

It doesn’t matter whether you are ready to start a website yet or not: even if you don’t need to do anything with the domain. The first important thing is to make sure it is yours.

The Importance Of YourName.com

It is for securing your identity on world wide web, every domain name is unique. There cannot be two domains of same name and extension. For instance – there cannot be two SANGKRIT.net, the first person to register a domain name is the one and only owner who would be able to use it unless there’s been a strong breach of copyright or registered trademark.

Register Your Name Before Someone Else

Likewise there are many people having same names, if someone registers your name as a domain before you do it then you will never be able to use it until and unless you buy it from the person by paying some big amount or wait for the domain owner to leave domain for which chances might go very low.

You might be able to get some other extension such as “.org” equivalent, or the “.us” if you’re a US citizen, or one from other domain extensions which stand on different tires, .com is the most potent standing on tire 1 domains, the originals. But that doesn’t mean you cannot have any other domain, yes you can afterall the one with good content will trend the web.

So if you get your name registered today on the extension of your choice then whenever you are ready to start a website or blog, it will be easy for you to startup strong and build your online presence on your great domain that has nothing extra just your full name, as the principal whatever; your name is on world wide web.

How To Register YourName.com?

Simply visit http://system.sangkrit.net and follow the steps:

  1. Type in YourName.com or .NET .ORG any extension your want
  2. Press ENTER or tap the SEARCH button
  3. Look for the available options
  4. On the domain of your choice, click ADD TO CART followed by CONTINUE TO CART button
  5. Continue with on-screen instruction and complete the registration process in secure environ of SANGKRIT.net

Once You Register YourName.com

You may immediately start your website either with WordPress or with the help of Website Builder which you get free of cost with every domain name purchased at SANGKRIT.net. If you are not ready then you can simply redirect your domain name to one of your social profile wherever you are most active or set a landing page.

Or email system@sangkrit.net to get your website made and managed in allocated budget. Call +919918661146 for any help in this regard.

You may also setup your email address forwarding right from your SANGKRIT.net’s account page such as contact@yourname.com to get emails of your new personalised email address delivered to your current mailbox. This will look better on your visiting cards too.


We know you need a domain name and you need to secure it now. You might not know how to use it today but after some time you’ll want it for sure.

The way people think about online presence is changing, and that is why most common names are getting registered every other minute. Now it is becoming a common practice in various countries to send a link to online CV live in a personal website.

So it is worthwhile to future proof yourself now, rather than ending up with a long confusing domain name and standing on the unseen pages of search engine results.

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