Tag Archives: Moving WordPress

How To Update Old Links After Changing The Domain Name In WordPress?

After changing your domain name, installing SSL, or changing any link on your website, the most important thing you need to do is update the links on your website.

When you move your WordPress Website to a new domain name, the most common issue that you notice is all internal links to pages and references to images are not updated, images don’t show up and internal links don’t work as they point to the old address which you have abandoned. This lesson will guide you two easy processes of updating such URLs on your WordPress site.

How To Update All Your WordPress Site URLs In One Click?

Login to your WordPress site and navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install Update URLs plugin on your website. Upon activation, navigate to Tools -> Update URLs page.

Here you simply need to type the old URL and the new URL address, then use the tick box option to select where you want to update URLs such as on posts, pages, attachments, excerpts or all GUIDs and then click ‘Update URLs Now’ button. That’s it, your URLs would get updated.

How To Auto Update Website URLs After Migrating To A New Domain Name?

There’s another plugin that automatically detects the domain name change and the auto-updates all old links and WordPress tables in the database of your website. It is especially coded for the domain name change and you don’t require to selectively mention the changes.

Navigate to Plugins -> Add New page to find and install Automatic Domain Changer plugin on your WordPress site. After activation, navigate to Tools -> Change Domain and first you may backup and save your website database by clicking ‘Backup Database as SQL’.

Next, type the old domain name and new domain name in the fields and click ‘Change Domain’ button. The plugin lets you update HTTPS and the links with or without the ‘www’ prefix.

How To Change WordPress Site Domain Name By Editing Its Database ?

We have already discussed about changing your website domain name or URL by editing functions.php file and by editing wp-config.php file. Now this tutorial explains you how you can update your website web address to new one (when you are migrating your website to a new domain) directly by updating your WordPress site’s MySQL database.

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How To Change Domain Name By Editing Functions File In WordPress ?

If you are migrating to a new web address i.e. to a new domain name then there are a couple of  different methods of changing WordPress site URL. You can do it by editing your WordPress configuration file about which we have already discussed, you can do it by editing functions.php file etc etc.

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When You Are Moving WordPress To A New Domain And Forgot To Change Domain Name In Dashboard Settings

General procedure of migrating WordPress to a  new server on a new domain is to backup MySQL database and your website root directory (public_html) then change domain name to new one on Dashboard -> Settings -> General in the text fields for WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL). This tutorial explains the solution of the problem which comes when you accidently change the domain name or you forgot changing your domain name in admin area dashboard;s General settings page.

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