Tag Archives: majority

What Actually Makes People Powerful

Personal relations paves the way of public entrapment to get people driven as per any vested interests of selfish people surrounding them. This doesn’t work to enhance people’s power but does diminish that. Failing as impersonal, power corrupts its core. Only oppressors benefit out of all that.

One hundred years back the Bolshevik revolution was made by provoking the deprived majority ideologically to get rid of their elite, proclaiming that the prosperity in any society is built only by depriving the majority. Then they proceeded for demolishing that compulsion but ultimately failed by demolishing the prosperity itself. Truths get managed as the legends are supplied by the lies to make you believe anything.

Sangkrit is making another kind of revolution that is quantum by nature. You need not to be impersonal like that for making this the movement as you personally outreach to your lot of people necessary for accomplishing this.

You yourself lead this everywhere, becoming people’s personal outlet in a globally distributed order, by implementing your own prosperity diminishing other’s deprivation as well. You do so by running the program that actually works.

Read #OccupyWebspace on your android phone from Play Store. Making this the movement requires knowing that much.

Power has been only impersonal but this time this is not so as personally developing a few personal outlets managing a few hundred domains is what actually makes you powerful.