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How To Add And Display EXIF Data For Images Of Your WordPress Site ?

EXIF means Exchangeable image file format. It is the metadata saved with photographs and audio by modern digital devices. EXIF data includes information like aperture, credit, camera, resolution, time, coordinates- latitudes and longitudes, shutter speed, focal length, etc which some photographers desire to show with their photographs.

In this lesson, you will learn to show EXIF information conveniently on your WordPress Website.

Exifography is a free WordPress plugin that gets detailed EXIF information on any media file. It lets you display EXIF data for your photographs and enables the import of latitude and longitude EXIF to the database. You can display this data via shortcode, by calling a function or it can be inserted automatically for the first image attached to a post.

How To Display EXIF Data In WordPress?

Install and activate the Exifography plugin, then visit your admin area Settings -> Exifography and check the EXIF data tags you like to display in the first image of all your blog posts.

Now for adding a photograph showing EXIF data, you have to simply click Add Media button on add new post page, after you upload any image it shows you the EXIF shortcode. You can use this shortcode if you have not checked the “Automatically Display EXIF” option on Settings -> Exifography page else it does it automatically in the first image of your blog post.

For the second image you have to insert the shortcode in the same way as explained above, you can select the shortcodes you want to display directly from the post add new-edit page.

By default its shows an unordered list for displaying EXIF tags but you can add your own custom HTML from its settings page’s Custom HTML section. For displaying EXIF tags in your theme by making a function call and for learning more about this plugin, refer to its homepage.

An update is here, you should know that new plugins have come and these are also tested with the latest WordPress versions. EXIF Details is a WordPress plugin that also allows you to get detailed EXIF information on any photograph. And another plugin called EXIF Caption from the same author can be used together with the EXIF Details plugin to insert the EXIF data into the caption of the media file.