Tag Archives: Hide Title

How To Show/Hide Title On Per Post-Page Basis In WordPress?

You can very easily show or hide on your WordPress site post, page or any other custom post type etc on per post basis. You can decide on what post/page you like to show title and on what post/page you like to hide. This way you can hide selected post/page titles on single pages. Hide Title is a handy WordPress plugin that allows you to do so. [Also read: Hiding Selective Widgets Title]

So first install and activate Hide Title plugin. Upon activation the plugin automatically adds Hide Title meta box on edit content page. Now what you have to do is tick the checkbox for showing/hiding title in single i.e. pages.

Title on archive pages show as it is but when the title is clicked and single page is opened, the title goes off itself. The plugin doesn’t disturbs your old posts, pages etc. By default ‘Hide the title on singular page views’ option is unchecked.