Tag Archives: hacktivist

What Is To Be Done?

Set the homepage of your browser to http://system.sangkrit.net for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s novel of this title published in 1863 telling the stories of the new people was favorite of Lenin, who wrote his pamphlet under the same title in 1902. What is to be done has been the eternal question follwing everyone everywhere but its answer becomes different at every stage of evolution. Still answering this everytime you combat coercion. Coercion establishes apartheid as all apartheid has been coercive by nature. Eliminating all that is the hacktivist task everywhere.

Cooperation confirms the hacktivist politics diminishing all coercion by integrating humankind into humanity as a whole. The hacktivist movement has been an emerging class movement. This, by helping all the people to let everyone #OccupyWebspace, can make a mass movement around itself and become invincible forever.

When people across all countries alike #OccupyWebspace by developing publicly useful domains at http://system.sangkrit.net to get globally distributed through android apps via system@sangkrit.net then SANGKRIT.net accumulates a global exposure that is sold to let a few people get globally glorious.

Through this smartphone stage of internet age it is #OccupyWebspace for 99% and #GetGloballyGlorious for 1%. Set the homepage of your browser to http://system.sangkrit.net for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet by charging reasonably.

A New Vocation Is Open To Everyone

Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

You create a complete ecosystem from home to homepage by following a simple routine of cleaning your space, making your meals, programming your world and blog only public interest. This new routine makes you a new humankind and you inspire everybody else as well by transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. This new vocation is open to everyone. Sangkrit leads you into that. Simply signup for your free SANGKRIT.net account to startup now.

As new humankind, your children deserve a new education. Practicing a programming language for developing your domain, is the core curriculum with everything else. Developing private properties of public importance as top level domains, builds the new civilization.

Domain is the new private property whereas code under GPL is the new public property. At SANGKRIT.net people build own net worth for changing the world. Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

Make 2017 The Year Of Hacktivism

Signup for your free SANGKRIT.net account to startup.

The new humankind is a smart phone user. He is dressed comfortably having a comfortable hair style. He doesn’t unnecessarily talk on phone but uses it for living better. What he may not necessarily has, is his domain. So let him be that comfortably developing his domain as his global property on the go. Helping him, in developing a new domain with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure, is the way of hacktivism in 2017.

The new humankind is not anonymous. He signs to transact. He doesn’t go out for occupying wall street as he buys stocks for that but he would certainly prefer occupying webspace.

He knows that the real romance is in responsible parenting so the new humankind is never wasting time and attention in pleasing others like he doesn’t dress-up to show-off. He lives his real self very naturally. That is why he deliberately needs his way of connecting with his world and that should become his domain. It is now your business to prepare him like that.

Signup for your free SANGKRIT.net account to startup as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit. The collaborative measure of Sangkrit lives like a humankind with his System Administrator for ruling his subjects and his Core Programmer for determining his objects.

You should be selling the whole life-style of the new humankind. That is fashionably better way of transporting humanity into internet age. This could become your starting point that is actually going to change the world by becoming the biggest business on planet earth.

Extending Asylum To Edward Snowden Made Vladimir Putin The Most Powerful Person

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

USA historically failed to tackle the Snowden affair. The best way left to then US President Barack Obama was to let the former CIA agent Edward Snowden go calmly but his acknowledging him by ordering an overt chase resulted into another far greater intelligence failure. Thereafter extending asylum to Edward Snowden ignited another cold war that finally made former KGB agent Vladimir Putin the most influential man on planet earth.

The man who prevented Russia from becoming finally a failed state, has been consistently influential within his nation but has become globally influential since then. Immediately after the Snowden affair, he was declared the Forbes’ world’s most powerful person and is still running so for four years.

In January 2015, Last Soviet leader Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev in an interview told about the Russian leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Der Spiegel, “When Putin moved into the Kremlin, he inherited a difficult legacy. There was chaos everywhere. The economy was crippled, entire regions wanted to secede. There was a threat of Russia disintegrating. Putin stopped this process and that will remain the greatest achievement of his time in office. Even if Putin hadn’t managed to achieve anything else, he will always be credited with that.”

Still saving Snowden was a substantial move by Putin. Not only Wikileakers but all sorts of hacktivists from worldwide deeply desired that he is to be saved from falling in the hands of USA. Saving Snowden then suddenly promoted Putin amiably among that invincible force. That is how, now Putin is said to have turned hacks in Trump’s triumph.

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

State And Politics Won’t Ever Deliver More Than Stalin

Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Anyone could get straightened through any untoward situation but give someone power and see his real self coming out in open. Stalin was time-tested both ways fully well while grown into the greatest-ever statesman, history has ever registered. Still his honesty and modesty is unseen in any of the politicians anywhere at any point of time.

Indeed he was obsessed with establishing political order at any humane cost but he didn’t amass any material wealth for himself or his family. He has been mere the maximum manifestation of state. State and politics won’t ever deliver more than Stalin.

Humankind would have to move beyond politics to get served better, the way once they historically moved beyond religion. Respectively after religion and politics that next thing is technology. Promising the paradise to the people of planet earth, there have been the icons of illusions in politics and religion. Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Resolving many problems altogether by replacing old ways of doing things forever is the key to startup your own business into internet age. Facilitating that everywhere hacktivists get ready to rule the world.

Respecting Richard Stallman’s free software effect up on the beginning of internet age and living without disrespecting that makes the hacktivist out of any professional programmer, startup entrepreneur or venture investor. Sangkrit is all about getting civilized like that.

Hacktivists help others in registering their domains for developing their business online and create own wealth as net worth. Hacktivists respect the private property of domain registration and consider its webspace otherwise inviolable. Hacktivists work as professional programmers, startup entrepreneurs and venture investors. Hacktivists help any startup disrupting adequately by investing into it. Hacktivists change the world by helping humankind build own net worth.

Sangkrit depends on its people in accordance with their success in encouraging peoples of all countries for registering their domains as the newest kind of private properties. That is the parameter of measuring trustworthiness. Free will, mutual respect and cooperation to create humane usefulness make this a globally distributed order well integrated within internet industry.

Thus humankind make their quantum revolutions to finally change the world as whole. The most civilized humankind is the hacktivist and Sangkrit literally means as the whole of civilized humanity.