Tag Archives: economy

Free The Economy From All Taxations

Sangkrit insists for freeing the economy from all taxations by taxing only the transaction volume of the currencies under the inflation mode along with distributing a basic income as daily dividend to the users without running any central banks.

The governments have to amend after the emergence of digital currencies running on internet, which have already outnumbered all the political currencies in the world.

Hacktivism Has Won The World

No! Donald Trump is not the global person of the year. Donald Trump is just another president of globally failing United States of America that he did promise to rebuild as great again for winning his election that he won only because the winning candidate Hillary Clinton got defeated by the hacktivists led by Julian Assange.

Unlike Narendra Modi, Donald Trump is the manifestation of a demoralized nationhood but the Time magazine has disallowed globally glorious Narendra Modi as its person of the year by saying that most of the votes he got were from India itself but the Time magazine as US business has failed even in accepting the changed global truth that India is now no less a world that USA is not now so forget about their capacity for proclaiming it.

Selecting a global person of the year is no more a job befitting to them since they cannot ever dare to defy their local limitation although their runner-up person of the year reflected as ‘hackers’ is the echo of concurrent global truth. The new normal of globalization is hacktivism that has won the world even through the very US presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump or through the diplomatic battles between Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Tayyip Erdogan.

Digital Currencies Could Get Stronger Also In The Free Market Internet Economy

Economics has another name as well. Originally it is called the political economy. Through this internet age that very context has become outdated, causing mental hurdles within the minds made through that. Continue reading Digital Currencies Could Get Stronger Also In The Free Market Internet Economy

India Can Certainly Create A Twenty Trillion Dollar Economy Within Ten Years

SANGKRITdotnetCan India create a twenty trillion dollar economy within three to ten years? Yes! It is neither impossible nor difficult. Cooperating for its due growth with SANGKRIT.net is a sure-shot option and it is always open.

SANGKRIT.net globally runs following program that could indeed be very helpful in doing so: –

  1. Encouraging women through all social environs for registering domains in individual names and using WordPress as free press for domestic entrepreneurship in global market.
  2. Encouraging freedom of internet through the onion routes in p2p mobility beyond android.
  3. Discouraging client-server architecture of world-wide-web.
  4. Discouraging master-servant architecture of society.

First of all it must be understood fully well that India is a developing country and would remain one for many decades to come. Following SANGKRIT.net with that understanding will really be helpful. Unleashing domestic entrepreneurship among the people of India with global market at disposal will change the scenario within no time. At least ten million domain names should get registered in individual names for using WordPress as free press and business toward that. Within ten years India can certainly create a twenty trillion dollar economy on its own.