Tag Archives: aliens

Stephen Hawaking Is No More Now

It is our brain that can keep our body alive and it is not vice versa.

Stephen Hawking is no more today. He was finally worried that humanity is not vigilant enough for its survival against most possible dangers of its extinction.

Respecting his legacy for us humankind can be practised as follows: –

  1. Let us become very vigilant for our survival by finding out other planetary abodes beyond earth that can be hosting humanity
  2. Let us become very vigilant for our survival against possibly more advanced aliens
  3. Let us become very vigilant for our survival against possibly more advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning

Sangkrit respects him like that considering his life as an eternal era in the cosmology of universe. Seeing him living, we have come to know fully well that it is our brain that can keep our body alive and it is not vice versa.