Show Google Bookshelves In Posts, Pages And Widgets Of Your WordPress Site

Display any number of your Google Books bookshelves including custom bookshelves using widget and shortcode in your WordPress based website.

My Google Books Library is the new WordPress plugin (BETA RELEASE) uses Google Books API and allows you to showcase your Google Books bookshelves in your WordPress site. You can show any of default shelves: Reading Now, Favorites, Have Read or To Read as well as custom shelves. It also lets you select the maximum number of books that you want to display.


  1. The Widget it offers can show any number of book covers from any of your bookshelves
  2. Shortcode displays a list of  books from any of your Google bookshelve
  3. Also allows you to include custom shelves in any of your post or page via shortcode
  4. Allows you to use its PHP function in any template file

My Google Books Library In WordPress

Installation & Usage:

Install and activate it then visit Dashboard -> Settings -> My Google Books Library and configure your settings, you will need to enter Google Books ID. You can use its widget from Widgets page present in Appearance menu of your dashboard.

You can use the shortcode For example: [my_google_books_library shelf=”4″ max=”10″] inside your posts and pages. For using its template in your theme use the following code:

<?php my_google_books_library(); ?>

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