How To Create Image Rating & Popularity Contest Website With WordPress?

Everybody who watched the film “The Social Network” knows about Mark Zuckerberg’s and the concept of Hot or Not website for rating images. Creating this type of website you can very easily host various popularity contests. You can use your WordPress installation for hosting image contests, your visitors can rate their favorite things, they can easily explore and rate the images as shown here in this demo. Owen Cutajar & Hyder Jaffari have creates am easy WordPress plugin called Hot Or Not, the plugin does it all and engages your visitors attention and hooks them on your website, as long as you have fun content to serve them.

The best thing about this plugin is that its not just limited to photos. With this cool plugin you can show other media like embedded videos, text and more from your competitor content area. We have an example of how to show Videos on our test site.

How To Setup Hot Or Not Plugin In WordPress?

The plugin is very easy to setup. You can easily start your first contest, Install and activate Hot Or Not plugin. After activation you will be seeing a new menu item “Hot or Not”, Visit its settings page to set up the options. Here you can set a maximum image height and width (optional). When you’re done click the “Update Settings” button.

How To Add Your First Competitor?

  1. Navigate to the “Competitors” menu and click on “Add New”.
  2. Enter the title, any text you want and upload an image.
  3. After upload click “Use as featured image” and publish your Competitor.
  4. Choose the number of competitors is totally up to you, there no maximum and minimum limit but adding more competitors gives better look as very few may cause repetitions.

How To Show Hot or Not Contests?

  1. Add a regular new Post, Page or any CPT.
  2. Click that lightning bolt icon and select the properties from the generator you want for the Shortcode Type.
  3. When you’re done click on Insert Shortcode.
  4. Competitor images are randomly accessed from your Competitors database. But remember you can only show one shortcode per single page and also you can only show one shortcode on your home page.

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