Enable Remote Domains To Resolve Addon Domain Error On WHM/cPanel

Remote domain is a WHM option that allows users to create parked domains (aliases) and addon domains to resolve to other servers. By default this setting is turned to off. Hence, sometimes causes a common issue while adding addon domains in cPanel of any WHM of VPS or Dedicated Server.

The error message looks something like this – “Sorry the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not seem to use DNS servers associated with this server“.

This can be resolved easily by enabling Remote Domains option on WHM Tweak Settings page. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Login to your SANGKRIT.net account and, click SERVERS and open server management page.
  2. Now visit WHM of your VPS or Dedicated Server
  3. From the left sidebar, search Tweak Settings page 
  4. Now click Tweak Settings on WHM sidebar and open DOMAINS tab 
  5. Look up for ‘Allow Remote Domains’ radio button and turn it ON.
  6. That’s it.

Now you simply need to copy the IP address of your server and change it in the A record of your domain’s DNS management page, on whatever domain name you would like to use on your server [Read – How To Point Domain Name To VPS Or Dedicated Server?]. You will not see that addon domain error message again while adding a new domain on your server’s cPanel.

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