Does Deactivating Plugin Deactivates SEO In WordPress?

Some SEO plugins makes use of lots of resources and a time comes on shared hosting plan when you need to deactivate your SEO plugin off from your WordPress website.

A WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin user says that he is having a conflict between WordPress SEO and his theme-customized version of Visual Composer. In order to make Visual Composer work, he has to deactivate WordPress SEO.

So the question is when you do this, do you lose all the SEO goodness or is it still kept into your SEO optimized posts? Does WordPress SEO plugin only provides SEO resources on previously SEO’d posts, pages and custom post types only if it is an active plugin? Do you lose all SEO features and optimizations when you deactivate the plugin?

The answer is after deactivating WordPress SEO plugin:

  • You will not lose the content of the posts that you have already optimized on your WordPress site.
  • But you will lose those extras WordPress SEO adds to your posts, pages and other post types.

Such as when you deactivate (or deactivate and delete) WordPress SEO; the descriptions, focus keywords, etc goes unavailable as long as the plugin is inactive.

But when you reactivate the plugin, all the information is immediately made available again by the plugin, so you will not have to add them again.

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